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I love that I’ve been pushed to think more creatively in my business.

I love that I’ve learned to appreciate my home space more and re-organize it to support our new lifestyle.

I love that I’ve been able to read more books this year than I have in any other year and I love that my reading wishlist on Amazon is so long that I’ll probably never get to the end of it.

I love that a lot of my most in-depth and meaningful conversations have been over zoom, with strangers on the other side of the world.

I love that I’ve made close connections online with people I’ve spent hardly any or no time with in real life.

I love that I’ve spent as much time with my son during his 6th year on this planet as I did during his 1st.

I love that removing my son from school has allowed me to really get to know him, what he loves to do and what he’s not interested in (yet) because school hasn’t told him to be. 

I love that we have a daily rhythm which isn’t stressful and is malleable.

I love that I know my neighbour’s names.

I love that I’ve re-watched so many of my favourite movies again, they get better everytime.

I love that so many more Moms have discovered the art of babywearing by necessity (lockdown at home with small babies) and that their lives were made easier by a product I designed

I love that major issues like GBV & BLM are at the forefront of people’s minds and news feeds and that highly necessary conversations are being had.

I love that people are becoming braver to speak up about mental health, anxiety and depression and how common they really are.

I love that new business ideas are being born left, right and centre and that new jobs and more meaningful products, services and industries will arise from this.

I love that I’m so excited to see friends and family from around the globe again, and that when that day comes there will be loads of tears.

Speaking of tears, I love that I cry so much more now, it feels like a release every time and a healthy part of being a human. 

I love that I’ve learnt that everyone has their own version of what is really going on in the world and it’s none of my business to try and force them to see it from my perspective, it makes my life a lot easier. 

I love that I CAN only look at what I want to and take advantage of the social media algorithms so that they are in my favour and only show me happy things when I feel like a hit of dopamine.

I love that I’ve discovered that I can still do good work in the world and make a difference without having to look deeply at all the hatred and violent crimes – because that just makes me depressed and unable to create from a place of stillness.

I love that I have given myself permission to live in my “ignorance is bliss” “fairytale world”, because it’s fucking beautiful over here.

I love that random people have found creative ways to feed their neighbours and managed to start sustainable businesses out of their ideas, setting examples for their friends and neighbours to do something good in the world too.

Gratitude for 2020 and all the perspective that it brought, and will still bring.

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