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Feedback from some of the lovely people I’ve worked with


Feedback from some of the lovely people I’ve worked with

NeuroEmotional Coaching

“Shannon has an uncanny ability to ask the kind of questions that can help one to see things in a completely different way, turning habitual thinking patterns inside out and giving you the tools to know yourself that little bit better. She helped me to reveal what was driving my decision making processes, empowering me to know when I am working from a place of fear or insecurity, helping me to know how to reconnect to my purpose.”

Donné PutterArchitect and Designer

“I immediately felt understood and supported under Shannon's guidance. She skilfully guided me to identify the patterns in my thinking that kept me in a state of fear and uncertainty, causing me to feel paralysed. Through her techniques, I've gained clarity and learned to reconnect with my body and emotions, finding a sense of security during moments of feeling stuck. This transformation has been truly life-changing for me and I now use these tools daily.”

Chantal MorganRelationship Coach

“Working with Shannon has been a game-changer for me. Her sessions are refreshingly practical and don't leave you with a to-do list. Instead, you get guidance that bring a sense of calm and a profound feeling of not being alone on your self-awareness journey. I can confidently say that integrating NeuroEmotional aspects into my daily life has been an amazing investment.”

Anna WolfSinger and Songwriter

“During a challenging period in my life, Shannon provided me with invaluable insights and practical tools that allowed me to navigate the situation with clarity and resilience. She never told me what to do, but rather enabled me to become more aware of my thought processes and emotions, and equipped me with the techniques I needed to take control of my emotional responses to my triggers in every day life. I'm constantly recommending Shannon to anyone looking to enhance their emotional wellbeing, this technique is so empowering.”

Melanie DijkhuizenTeacher, Mom of 2

“Shannon was and is the most professional and understanding person I’ve had the privilege of allowing into my craziness, I came to her for help in a lost haze... now I’m no longer lost but fundamentally equipped to navigate the daily mists of society and being human. Although not fully alive as yet, I’ve been welcomed into the embrace of real Hope. Thank you so very much.”

Lindsay BurchEntrepreneur, Father of 4

“These brains of ours are so complicated, yet so simple. I find myself reflecting on my thoughts after a session with Shannon, and being so aware of the different brain states I’m moving through. This work is highly undervalued. Having the ability to unpack my own emotions has been interesting - instead of constantly judging myself, I find that I’m a lot more accepting with where I’m at, and that’s allowed me to carve a clear path moving forward.”

Joel KaplanFounder and Entrepreneur

Mushroom Journeys

I offer guided mushroom journeys to my NeuroEmotional clients who want to explore a level deeper on their healing journeys. Please email me for more information.

“It's hard to describe the magnitude of the transformation from my mushroom journey. The instinctive guidance from Shannon amplified and elevated the healing experience with the safe sacred space she created and held before, during and after the ceremony, effortlessly flowing with the rise and fall of my journey, and translating my soul when it called for perspective. Everything from comfort, support, to the music was perfectly curated. I have a deep and loving respect for this medicine for giving me the gift of healing. It gave me permission to unravel, soften, surrender and experience a sweet slice of freedom. _SHE_ is a force to be reckoned with and I am forever grateful for this invaluable experience.”

LCYoga teacher, Mom of 3.

“Today has been a whirlwind of emotions – anxiety, stress, happiness, sadness, and laughter all rolled into one. It's been quite a ride, and I must say, it's a five-star TripAdvisor experience. I've known Shannon for over three years now, and she's always talked about her mushroom journeys. Just like the care and love she pours into her entrepreneurial venture, Ubuntu Baba, it's clear that she extends the same compassion to those she guides through mushroom journeys. Shannon has an innate ability to create a nurturing space that allows you to navigate your own feelings and thoughts. She doesn't try to dictate what you should feel, think, or do; instead, she provides a welcoming home environment, complete with candles, incense, and other cozy elements. Her non-judgmental approach is truly refreshing, making this experience with Shannon highly recommended for anyone dealing with challenging situations that require introspection.”


“A life changing experience that encourages you to surrender your perception of reality for six hours and discover just how limiting your perception of reality was. It gave me an opportunity to choose again. To be guided to a clean slate where I can use my current knowledge of the world and blend it with a more enlightened understanding of it. It's in this blend of the new and old, where I have found the courage to embrace the unknown. l recommend 'the journey' to all earthlings who wish to break through their glass ceilings.”

PHFilm Director

“I started my NeuroEmotional coaching sessions with Shannon with the intention of embarking on a mushroom journey. Shannon and I established an immediate connection, fostering a natural and effortless counselling atmosphere. After three sessions, we mutually decided that I was ready to proceed with the mushroom journey. Throughout this process, Shannon remained accessible, providing essential support to quell my nerves and reassure me about the readiness of my decision. On the day of the journey, I felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness, as one would expect. Shannon created a warm and inviting space and remained right beside me and would gently remind me of my strength when necessary, ensuring I had the best possible experience. I couldn't have wished for a better companion for this journey. One aspect I truly appreciated was her assurance that the decision to continue or conclude our counselling sessions was entirely mine. This empowerment gave me the freedom to make choices about my own well-being and reminded me that I am the one who is in control of myself, my wellbeing and the thoughts in my head. The impact of this experience on my OCD tendencies has been profound, with my tics diminishing or disappearing entirely, bringing me great happiness. Shannon consistently emphasised that the journey wasn't a magical solution (excuse the pun) but a valuable addition to my personal toolkit for navigating life. It has enabled me to accept who I am and what I've experienced. I cannot express enough gratitude to Shannon for her pivotal role in helping me become a better version of myself.”
