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Supporting creative leaders to make their biggest impact.

Hey! I'm Shannon.

An entrepreneur and NeuroEmotional Coach focused on supporting the world’s most creative leaders.

Making decisions from a place of power, instead of a place of uncertainty, is where you need to be. But how can you ever truly know that the decisions you are making are the right ones to help you achieve your best results?
Fortunately, there are ways to gain clarity when you learn how to ‘Speak Brain.’ Coined by The Center for Emotional Education, ‘Speaking Brain’ involves learning how to apply specific in-the-moment strategies to enhance emotional regulation, effective communication, team creativity and leadership impact.

A form of rewiring for your brain, that you never knew you needed.

By fostering a state of emotional sovereignty and understanding the interplay between different parts of the brain, you can manage your neurochemistry to operate from your highest potential. This approach not only helps in making better decisions but also improves overall emotional intelligence and strengthens personal and professional relationships.

Want to feel confident knowing you are no longer giving your power away and blaming others for the undesirable and repetitive outcomes?

Then you’re in the right place, because I used to do both of those things, all the time – until I learnt how to ‘Speak Brain’. Having this skill on board creates a glitch in the matrix – fields of choices open up, where previously there were none. It’s kind of like magic, and that’s why I love it!